WHO ARE WE?A collective body comprised of parents of aSTEAM Village, Inc. participants, community volunteers, elected and non-elected public officials, professionals from various fields, and persons committed to youth seeking exposure, training, competitive opportunities, careers, career development, teambuilding, core values, and experience in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, which are the components of the aSTEAM Village, Inc.
MISSIONTo support the aSTEAM Village mission of family through pursuing opportunities for economic growth, visibility, youth empowerment, and increasing the number of youth of color pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
VISIONTo support the aSTEAM Village vision of bringing science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) learning to youth and adults in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area without regard to socioeconomic status, race, or background. The opportunities provided by aSTEAM Village, Inc. will break down barriers and open doors to higher education and ultimately successful careers, for underrepresented populstion
ORGANIZATIONMARKETING COMMITTEETo raise the awareness of aSTEAM Village’s objectives, achievements, as well as building community relationships and increase aSTEAM Village’s visibility within the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
FUNDRAISING COMMITTEETo raise funds for organizational capacity building, programs, and other aSTEAM Village’s Initiatives
GRANT WRITING COMMITTEETo pursue opportunities for grant funding from private, public, and non-profit (such as private and public foundations) corporations to support aSTEAM Village’s administrative and programmatic objectives.
ACTIVISM (VOLUNTEER) COMMITTEETo engage parents of aSTEAM participants and community friends in volunteering their financial and non-financial resources to support aSTEAM Village’s vision and mission
Friends of aSTEAM VIllage
1601 E 18th Street, Suite 119, Kansas City, MO 64108
[email protected], 816.535.093 |