Robotics, Engineering, Math, Science, and more...
2024 - 2025 Fall, Winter and Spring Registration is Now Open!
Full Scholarships Available for Low-Income Children
OUR PROGRAMSaSTEAM Village programs are distinct pathways for students, families and educators to obtain skills that are necessary for participation in the 21st Century economy.
In order to fill the available technology and engineering jobs of today as well as those careers of the future, our society must be willing to collaborate and pursue with vigor, education in the areas of science, math and arts which will enable us to spur innovation, reverse the stagnation of poverty that has manifested in today's world by encouraging programs that demand problem-solving and critical thinking to deliver solutions that drives innovation. We have adopted the FIRST Robotics Core Values and the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education's Community Learning Model as the cornerstones and compass by which we implement our programs and operate as a community orgranization. FIRST Robotics Core Values
Community Learning ModelWe are firm believers of the NCESSE belief that it takes a Village to educate our next generation. This learning cannot be left up to a school or classrom but must include the entire community as collaborators and not isolationists. Today's global economy demands that our youth and families work together and not operate in silos.
The Community Learning Model states that students-next generation-can be and should be inspired by teachers in the classroom, parents at home, and educators in informal settings like museums, libraries and science centers. As the video on this page states, the world is a classroom and as parents, teachers, educators, adults, business leaders and political leaders, we must willing to address all possible audiences and educational venues within a community to create a Learning Community. A Learning Community is a prosperous community! |